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NU9N eSSB Hi-fi Audio
Amateur Radio Extended SSB Hi-fi Mid-fi Lo-fi Audio
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Just wanted to thank you for your site.I have been trying to get everything set up correctly and had some problems.Yuor site was a great help.

Michael P.Ehlers

vy fb site.

Lot's of intresting information. I'm looking for radio tubes and found your site with google.



What a wonderful home page

I just found it in a link-list of an German HAM. I've heard W2ONV, my friend Bill from New Jersey on the 20 Meter Band and got one qso last year with him. :-) The eSSB sound is very very nice to listen to.

Maybe we can have a qso in the future !?! It would be great too. So please keep up this great work.

73, 55 and seasons greetings from DG9BBZ, your new friend Adel from Germany.
God bless you and yours.


Hello, John,

Many greetings from Maasbree in the south part of Holland.

I admire the eSSB audio and listen often to your signals and from others coming up from the USA. I had a presentation in the club ( V.R.Z.A.) in our city. Every one was astounded what eSSB sounded like. I hope to be the first eSSB operator in the Netherlands... hi. I hope that some amateurs pick up the info and hope that they will be enthusiastic about these marvelous sounds.

What we (and I) have learned, is that eSSB is possible for everyone. A good microphone is the first need, then the rest of the processing, but is worth it.

I hope to contact you when the project is ready and then maybe we can work each other on 20 meters. Wishing you all the best... Take care.., Many greetings to Bill, W2ONV, our "Godfather" here in the south of the Netherlands!

Bye bye, 73

Wim Kampers, PD5DX and operator club station PI4VNL
Bereklauwstraat 15
5993ge Maasbree, Holland


This is an excellent site. I have improved the audio on my rig ten fold. I am currently using a B-1 Mic, Behringer Mic 2200 preamp, Behringer 2496 and a tripplite power conditioner.

Thank you for all the great information on your site.


Dale (N7KSM)

Hi John,

Congratulations for the website.
Best 73 from Germany


Michael (DG7ZX)

Hi John,

What a superb website. The amount of information and it's presentation is absolutely superb for beginners. It has proved very useful for myself as I take my first tentative steps in ssb audio. As a recently licensed amateur here in the Uk, I wonder if you could point me in the direction of a mid range transceiver that could achieve reasonable results. I am currently using a 718 which I purchased as my first HF transceiver. Great little set but a bit limiting now I think. I purchased a dsp 1124 and followed you guide to setup with excellent results but I would also like to know more about filter selection and determining bandwidth and gain settings etc. Many thanks John, loved the website. Best Regards

Phil (M3PRK)

Hi John,

Thanks for the work you've done compiling this info for SSB audio in terms I
can understand. I really have started enjoying this aspect of the hobby.
CW is fun, but this is really different.

Cheers and have a good weekend
Herb, VE7AZC

Hello John !!!

Congratulates for your new Website. It is a very nice job !!!

PY1TTN, Humberto

Hello John:
Once again my complements to you for your everyday better and better site...I must say -THE BEST...hi hi..
73´s from
CT1AGI - Artur


Excellent New Web Site, really beautiful, fast and easy to navigate,
Congratulations !!!!

Big 73,
Eduardo - PY2VR

Congratulations John... Your web site is outstanding, is five star extra-extra.
Keep up the good work.

73's from
Victor, CT1AKD

Hi dear friend John !

I just want to say congratulations on your new website upgrade !!!!!
it's very nice, very easy to surf and also very technical, but also there are all the explanations to achieve very good audio with the good material !
Again,: "Bravo !"

I tell of your your site to all my radio friends and others that are interested in hi-fi and home studios !
Most of them are very surprised when they see the photo gallery !!! H ihi ! A good laugh !

Best 73's to you and family !
This is Pierre "audioman" in France , your friend !

Hello, John
I saw your website - very nice!
For your interest, here's a short recording of you and Bill,
as heard on my FT-920, Tuesday morning.



Thanks John!

I took your advice and just ordered a Behringer DSP --- it's actually the older 1100P but I think it will do the trick!
By the way - great web site. I'm looking forward to trying the settings you suggest and doing a bit of experimenting.


Rick - VE7ASR

Hello, John

I saw your website - very nice!


Jerry - VA3GB


I just looked (listened) at the mp3 files you had on your site that demonstrated the audio quality possible with ssb. I was totally blown away.
Thanks for making them available.


John, I stumbled onto your web while browsing this morning. Very nice!

Juan - WA6HTP

"Wonderful web site - loads of info , but no where as nice as it is to listen to you gentleman converse and change the way amateur radio ought to sound!

I listen to you every night and admire the quality and various tones you all emit and the humor is great. You sort have ruined my DX chasing for now as I am stuck down a few kHz listening.

I made the plunge and just got the TS-850-SAT which is one of the only two modern rigs in my cache here as all else are Boatanchors and you should hear yourselves on my R-390 built by Rick Mish...
u-n-b-e-l-i-e-v-a-b-l-e !!!!

Thank you so much for the listening pleasure. I will join you soon..."


Tim Grieco
John M. Anning - NU9N e-Mail:  e-Mail NU9N
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